Monday, July 19, 2010

Wow, it's been a while!!!

So, things have been quite hectic around the Dawson household. Macey was married on June 12th. I am so happy for her. The wedding was beautiful (we should be getting pics soon). It was an outdoor wedding and rained that day all around us, but NOT where we were! Praise the Lord! Absolutely gorgeous Bed and Breakfast!
Megan is dating someone in Michigan, so she's been travelling a little more. I love the guy she's seeing, a family friend's son...yay!
Zech had his last surgery Thursday. He's doing well, still a little sore, but doing good. He's still the light of my days!
Tom, well in between ALL his truck and trailer breakdowns, he's working a lot.
Me, I'm terrific. Trying to organize, yes still organizing, my house, business, life. I miss the Coffee Shop, but all in all, I'm glad we shut it down (cash flow is getting a little better). It was quite a draw on income, but I really enjoyed the different people in and out.
If I wrote about EVERYTHING thats happened in the last two months, I would be here all day! I guess that's why it's good to do this daily. I've actually been trying to do a journal, can't find time for this and that too. Maybe I'll write the day to day stuff here, and my deeper stuff in the journal...who knows!!
As soon as I get some pics uploaded, I'll post. See ya soon.......