Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Summer begins...

Ahhh, YES! Summer is here and so is Macey and Brad!! I'm so excited! They have been here a little over a week and that is why I have not blogged lately. We also had 9 other guests for one night and 2 days. I was actually amazed that everything went so smooth, but it did. Good times!!

I am still working on the organization issue. There has to be a "cure" out there for people like me. If not, I WILL come up with one! One thing I have done is re-purpose some mason jars. I love them. I have put holes in the lids, placed a grommet in the hole, and a straw fits great!

Megan is happy with her new job. SOooo proud of her!

Zech, well, he's.....a LITTLE tornado!! I'm not going to lie, I do get tired, but I LOVE his giggles, smiles, and energy!! I wouldn't have it any other way!

Tom, he is working...working...and oh yeah, working. His truck was broke down for a week, so he's playing catch-up right now. Luckily it was in Mi, so he was with Megan.

As you can tell, not really "feeling" the blogging right now, I probably won't post much this summer. We'll see.

Until next time....

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Four days already?!

I can't believe it's been so long! Things have been crazy here trying to get the interior of our house done. By done I mean some rain damage fixed. We have the new roof (antique brown metal roof now...yay!) There was just some slight dry wall issues and it's taken forever to fix (at least it feels like forever)!

Tom is home now. He got home last night. Today we have spent running around doing errands. Long day.

So, tomorrow is mother's day. I am extremely thankful that I am here with my mother, but also extremely sad that both my girls aren't here with me. I just seen Megan a couple weeks ago, and Macey will be here in a week. So that's good!

I think some friends of ours from west Tennessee are coming Friday, at least for a day. It will good to see them!

We are getting ready to go eat some steak taco's....Sooooo good!! Then, it will be time to hit the hay! Awe....sweet sleep! It will be welcomed tonight!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


If pages worked the way I wanted them to, I would be posting this under education. They don't, so I'm posting it here.

The iPad....approximately $600. Is it worth it? YES! Zech's speech has really improved lately. Now keep in mind I'm doing a few things and I will continue because it seems to be working. I have been using Articulate it! Plus several other apps on the ipad. I have been doing biofeedback once a week. I do bal-a-vis-x at least twice a week (I wish he would do it daily). I give him 1 tranquil sleep (l-theanine, melatonin and GABA) every night. He also takes a multi, zinc, and a drop of iodine. Sounds like a lot for most, but I can notice a HUGE improvement in receptive language and even expressive. When he is tired he kind of shuts down, doesn't talk much and may seem a little more confused.

I have noticed that more times than not, he doesn't say the ending of a word. Example..."bean" he says "bea", "Kite" he says "Ki". Not all the time.. for Megan, he says "gagen". Now I know he can make the sound for 'M', but he uses 'g' with Megan...don't know what that's about unless maybe that's how he started saying her name and just continues with it? Don't know. I actually recorded him speaking earlier today, and played it back for him. I don't think he liked it at all! He immediately quit trying to make the sounds then. So, I won't do that again. Right now I guess I'm going to work with the ending sounds of 'n' and 'm'. Beginning sound 'f'. We'll see how that progresses.

Anyways, time will tell. If anyone has experience with this, please let me know....Thanks!

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Yay, it's raining this morning! We SO needed it! The sound isn't as loud as I thought it would be on our new metal roof. I am very thankful it's not leaking into the house now though!

Has anyone noticed that I have tabs on my blog now? I was going to try to organize some thoughts, but with adding pages you can not keep adding posts to them, only on the home page. So, I will probably delete them, sorry for any confusion.
Zech goes back to the DR Monday for a follow up on his urinary procedure. I think all will go well, he seems better. Within the next month he goes back for an MRI to follow up on the (now gone!) abscess. Just to make sure his brain is healing correctly and all is well. I trust the Lord that it is!

Megan starts her new job on May 14th. She's so excited and I'm so proud of her! Congrats again Maggie Mae!

In TWO weeks my baby girl will be here! And yes, her hubby too! I'm so excited! They should be here about two months..YAY!!

The pool is finally up and running! Yesterday was the first day a swam for a while and then just floated around. I'm so sore today! From swimming....I did get a burned too, but it's tan today...no pain from that! Burt's Bee's carrot lotion and Kathy's Healing Lotion always do the trick! Zech got to swim a while yesterday too. Nori picked him up from school early and they both came back and swam.

I want to talk about adopting kids with special needs and how much support people get from their friends and families. I won't do the post today, so be thinking about the topic and let me know you're feelings. Be honest...I would like to here from actual parents that have adopted and I would like to hear from family and friends of people who have adopted special needs. I will keep everything confidential, so be honest! Do you have support? How do you feel now that there is a "special needs" person in the family? How do you feel when your loved one that adopted is tired and needs help? Please send me some feedback via email.

Thanks and God Bless!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

...a few days later

I haven't written anything for a few days now. Megan came into town...YAY!! She's staying until Tuesday, wish it was longer! We've done a few things, mainly just hung out which has been great!
We ate at Foglight in Sparta, it's a great little cajun restaurant in the middle of nowhere. Love it! We had sushi at Maggie's favorite sushi spot in Cookeville. We drank Calfkiller beer (a local brewer who has WONDERFUL flavors!) We bought flip flops. We drove the "loop" home. We sat and held hands. We went to Ma and Pa's. We watched Oprah's Life Class Tour and ELLEN. So, all in all....we had a wonderful time!

Megan left yesterday....yes, I cried! So, this is what I have determined. I cry when I'm happy. I cry when I'm sad. I cry when I'm angry. I really didn't think I cried a lot, but obviously I do.

I feel like I have so much to write about, but I'll save some for the coming days. One thing I wanted to talk about was the Life Class show we seen. To sum it up, we are suppose to have a grateful heart and mind. We are suppose to live in gratitude ALL day, every day! I know, when asked you automatically say 'I am grateful for everything'...'BUT'.....Come on, You know you do! You probably are thinking...well I am grateful! But, do you really LIVE it?! Do you really FEEL it every day?! Do you find the good in the bad, the happy in the sad? Most of us don't.

I will tell you that I am one to ALWAYS talk about speaking and thinking positive. I preach it, write it, SAY positive things out loud (even when no one is around). But guess what, I didn't FEEL it. I didn't automatically go to the positive all the time. I think I did more than average, but not all the time. UNTIL.....until that day.....that day when I thought my life was about over. That day when we thought we would lose Zech. That day when all I could do was go to my knees. The day I really didn't know what to do, what to say, what to ask for. That day that I was TRULY humbled before our Lord. That day I REALLY knew what I was thankful for. My husband, who held me up when I couldn't stand. My daughters who were there to SHOW me what I had always preached. My son!! My son that God gave me when it was the last thing on my mind, having another child. That night when I went to the chapel in the hospital to pray, all I could do was just keep thanking God for Zech. Thanking him for picking me to be his mommy.

With all that being said, I really feel a thankful heart all the time. Now, please know this doesn't mean I don't get sad, or mad. I do, but definitely NOT like I use to. Things that bothered me before, are just not important anymore. So, every day I am going to write down 5 things that I am thankful for. I will do it here, and on facebook. I would really encourage you to do the same...5 things...how hard is that? Come on....it won't take long!

1. My family
2. A new roof
3. Time I got to spend with Megan
4. My pool
5. The smell of honeysuckles

I am also thankful for you. For any and all who read about my family.