Thursday, February 24, 2011

Seven Years ago.....(25TH)

Seven years ago, an amazing woman gave birth to a beautiful baby boy!! He had the most beautiful eyes, a heart melting smile, and filled with so much love. This little boy also had many, many medical problems. Knowing that medically speaking, he would be better off in another country, she made the most heartbreaking decision for herself...she gave her son up for adoption.
She did not know at the time he would go to a family that would love him so much their hearts melt just looking at him. She didn't know he would bless a new mom in a way that she never imagined possible. She didn't know she would give two sisters a little brother to love and spoil. She didn't know a father would now beam with pride over his son.
MS. W....If you read this...THANK YOU!THANK YOU!

Peaceful morning

On a frustrating note, Tom's truck is on its way to the shop...again..ugh! The upside of that, Tom, Megan, and Zech went together to take it there. What did that mean for me? A PEACEFUL morning...I didn't cook breakfast, didn't get anyone dressed (Megan got Zech dressed for me). I did a little light therapy on myself ( boy it does wonders for the skin, not to mention energy and de-stress!), had some coffee, and watched Criminal Minds (on of my favorite shows).
Now, relaxtion is over. Getting Grandma ready to go to the doctors for a check-up, have to do some reports for someone, finish up our taxes, go to the bank, finish mudding the kitchen (getting it ready to paint), do some school work with Zech, do a biofeedback for a client tonight, go grocery shopping ( will probably send Megan to do that), wishy-washy for Zech, shower Zech and finally, a shower for myself and off to bed. Busy day. I guess I should go and start crossing off things on my list. Until next time.....

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Fun! Fun! Fun!

Sunday we went bowling, the first time in soooo many years, it was so much fun! My highest score was 105, lol!!My cousin stayed with Zech and Grandma. First time he actually had someone to play in the snow with him, he had a great time! They came over today and played more. I don't think Zech is crazy about the snow being cold, but he loves playing in it anyways. I will eventually figure out how to post multiple pics (I wish I could do it in a slide show form) and start posting more pictures. I've been trying to follow more of a schedule for Zech, mainly bedtime, but the boy just won't sleep unless I lay down too. Don't get me wrong, I love it, I just usually fall asleep too. :).
Still working on Meg's room...and while the kitchen is functioning, I am still not finished with it. In due due time.
Gary (Zech's dog) and I have been walking around the block, yesterday it was two blocks. Not much, but it's a start. As soon as Meg's room is finished, I'll have more room in the basement and WILL start yoga again, I love yoga. Has anyone ever heard of a singing bowl? They sound nice, that is now on my wish list.
Well, calling it a night..

Saturday, February 19, 2011

It Went Great!

So, the first day of school for Zech went great! Zech didn't have any issues with me leaving, and I actually was okay leaving him there (okay it was only 2 hrs....but still!) There are a few things I need to get before he starts in a week (they are on break next week), but not much. I feel pretty good about this class...sure hope it is what it seems! Don't you just hate it when you think something is one way, and it ends up not being what it seems?!
So, Megan's room is almost done. Can't wait to start finishing up some things around here. We're going to bowling tomorrow to support cancer research. Should be pretty fun.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Another first day....

Zech is going to school for the first time up here. He's just going for a couple hours, then they're on break next week. They are going to give ME a week to adjust. I can take him in for the first week and stay until he seems okay, then I have to leave (and no peeking in the window to watch him...they must really know me). It seems like its going to be a good school. We registered him at a school that was two blocks away from our house that thought they were not well equipped for Zech, that kinda disappointed me, I felt they didn't even give Zech a chance. First time I cried with the feeling my son was being shunned...heart breaking, but works out the best. The school he's going to seems great and they seem to focus on education quite a bit.
Anyways, I'll post later and let you know how it goes.
Megan's room is almost finished. It will be nice to get some more things settled. I'm still not sure if I've done the right thing...moving and all. I'm not going to make a quick judgement, I need to give it a chance. I miss my family, friends, and my house in TN, but that's about it. I love the area and our location in MI, but yet I fantasized about the fresh air and my front porch yesterday..Ugh~ does it always have to be so complicated?!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


As I sit here, drinking coffee and enjoying the few minutes of quiet I get most mornings, I was catching up on other peoples blogs and had quite an awakening realizing my days are actually not that overwhelming. My goodness, some people who adopted a child the same time we were blessed with Zech, have 2 MORE children now. One family has 15 kids, another 7. So what are they doing (or possibly NOT doing) that they can get through each day with so many appointments, feedings,cleaning,games, pictures, blogging, and have so many smiles?!
I have had so many people think that I'm a kind person and that Zech is so blessed to have us, again, WE are the ones blessed and it almost brings me to tears thinking am I wasting time...should we adopt another child, what can I do to help more I that selfish of a person that I only want Zech, I don't want to share my time with anyone else? I'm getting older, I think I'll eventually want "my" time. I can't even believe I just said that..."my" time, is anyone's time here on earth really suppose to be for ourselves? my father always says.."I'll ponder on that"..
On another note...Zech played hide-and-seek for the first time, that I know of, last night. He had such a good time running around! It tickled me, I kept seeing him run to the bathroom, I thought something was wrong having to "go" so much, then I remembered playing hide-and-seek when I was little. I would hide and ALWAYS have to pee immediately...too funny!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Wow how things change!!

So, never would I have imagined that I would be moving back to Michigan after 28 years! Well, that's what has been going on. I miss my family in TN something awful, but I'm loving it here in Michigan. As many of you know, I've tried to promote the support of local businesses, things made in the city and state,etc... Well, where we are living, EVERYONE does just that!! I love it! While I don't get to sit on the front porch and see a majestic view, I do get to walk to the store, for ice cream, to the park, to a restaurant, to the bank, get the picture. Zech loves it here too. We're still living out of boxes, so to speak, but each day we're closer to making a home here.
Hopefully I'll get to post more frequently now, we'll see.