Saturday, February 27, 2010

All is well!

Good report back from the doctor! Zech is doing great and should be "going" on his own in a couple months. Thank you Lord and Dr. Levitt! He already acts like he could do it now, but things have to heal properly, so we'll wait a couple months. On another note, so many kids with DS will be put in an institution at the age of 4, then never see their 5th or 6th birthday. In a couple countries, they usually die within a year. Not fair!!
I know, life isn't fair, but come on....we can do better than that! There is not a shortage of families willing to adopt these kids, the shortage is in MONEY.
If it were not for Christian people donating to Zech, he would not be home with us now! My word, I could ball just thinking about it! What can we do about it? Donate to Reece's Rainbow! This organization deals mainly with kids that have DS. This is where we found Zech! Bethany Christian Services is another one. Just donate...a little....don't take food off your families plates, just give a without SOMETHING that you really don't need.
You can see some of these kids on
Just take a minute and look, please. At some point, I will have pics to click on and you can donate then. Help a child find his/her forever family!
Okay, didn't mean to get on my soapbox, but you all know how I am!
Thanks for listening!

1 comment:

  1. I love your soap box!!! I agree...I only wish I knew more about what you were doing when you were adopting what a great ministry.
