Tuesday, February 15, 2011


As I sit here, drinking coffee and enjoying the few minutes of quiet I get most mornings, I was catching up on other peoples blogs and had quite an awakening realizing my days are actually not that overwhelming. My goodness, some people who adopted a child the same time we were blessed with Zech, have 2 MORE children now. One family has 15 kids, another 7. So what are they doing (or possibly NOT doing) that they can get through each day with so many appointments, feedings,cleaning,games, pictures, blogging, and have so many smiles?!
I have had so many people think that I'm a kind person and that Zech is so blessed to have us, again, WE are the ones blessed and it almost brings me to tears thinking am I wasting time...should we adopt another child, what can I do to help more kids...am I that selfish of a person that I only want Zech, I don't want to share my time with anyone else? I'm getting older, I think I'll eventually want "my" time. I can't even believe I just said that..."my" time, is anyone's time here on earth really suppose to be for ourselves?
Hmmmm....as my father always says.."I'll ponder on that"..
On another note...Zech played hide-and-seek for the first time, that I know of, last night. He had such a good time running around! It tickled me, I kept seeing him run to the bathroom, I thought something was wrong having to "go" so much, then I remembered playing hide-and-seek when I was little. I would hide and ALWAYS have to pee immediately...too funny!

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