Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Fun! Fun! Fun!

Sunday we went bowling, the first time in soooo many years, it was so much fun! My highest score was 105, lol!!My cousin stayed with Zech and Grandma. First time he actually had someone to play in the snow with him, he had a great time! They came over today and played more. I don't think Zech is crazy about the snow being cold, but he loves playing in it anyways. I will eventually figure out how to post multiple pics (I wish I could do it in a slide show form) and start posting more pictures. I've been trying to follow more of a schedule for Zech, mainly bedtime, but the boy just won't sleep unless I lay down too. Don't get me wrong, I love it, I just usually fall asleep too. :).
Still working on Meg's room...and while the kitchen is functioning, I am still not finished with it. In due time...in due time.
Gary (Zech's dog) and I have been walking around the block, yesterday it was two blocks. Not much, but it's a start. As soon as Meg's room is finished, I'll have more room in the basement and WILL start yoga again, I love yoga. Has anyone ever heard of a singing bowl? They sound nice, that is now on my wish list.
Well, calling it a night..

1 comment:

  1. Ah, sounds like fun!! Wish I could be there. I agree with Zech, I love snow but hate the cold! Precious little thing!!! I miss you all. :) By the way, this is Macey!!!
