Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's my goal:

It's my goal to be consistant in posting; hopefully sometime soon! So, what has been going on since March? Megan, Macey, and myself have all had birthdays...yep....another year older. I'm good with that though, better than the alternative. I'm choosing to live and love to the fullest, trying to do that each and every day! Life is good! Zech has come so far in the last few months..unbelievable the difference. He strong area is math, but he's progressing well in spelling and reading. Speech is getting better everyday too.
Work is picking up, still trying to get settled with everything. It's slow going, but going. Macey got accepted into Law school...yay! Megan is still helping me crazy!!
Zech is in a musical tonight...lets see if he remembers the words...will let you know. :)!!

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