Thursday, May 26, 2011

To do...

Oh, the things I have "to do". Does anyone really follow and do what is on their "to do" list? I write things down, and still do whatever I feel like doing. I might be more productive if I actually did the things on my list. When should I start? What do I do first? I think if I wait long enough, maybe they'll just fall off my list (or someone will do them for Zech was suppose to be in a musical last night, but it was cancelled due to weather, next week. (see that fell off my list yesterday :)).
Ok, seriously, maybe I need to make my list here and everyone can hold me accountable. Here's my list today, let's keep it simple, small steps:
1. Go to bank
2. Go to grocery store
3. Vacuum
4. Change sheets on beds
5. Put clean clothes up
6. Cook Dinner
7. See a client at 5pm - 7pm

Stop!!!That's enough for one day. Whew! Better get started.

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