Friday, April 20, 2012

What Next?!........

Oh those words!!! They drove me CRAZY for months! ALWAYS coming out of my Grandmother's mouth, now they are ringing in my head...all the time.. well, too much anyways! So much to be thankful for! What next could be horrible, and was as I explained that to my Grandma after Zech got his brain abscess (yes,...after the brain abscess story again). Now, believing and knowing he is completely healed, yet still so many doctors appointments. Thankfully all blood work came back good with the exception of his thyroid. Though it has been low on several occasions, this didn't come as a shock. So...What Next? Whatever it is it will have some blessing attached and it is up to God what comes next!

So, having a low thyroid myself, I know what toll it can take on the body. Medicine, he will begin in the morning (did that sound a little Yoda-ish too you?)! Interesting enough, the thyroid produces several hormones, t4 and t3 are two of them. Attached to these hormones are iodine's, thus the reasoning behind iodized salt. Well, did you know that iodine will actually kill the strep bacteria (the bacteria that was in Zech's brain), coincidence? Maybe, but I don't think so. Not saying had his thyroid had been treated earlier he wouldn't have got the brain abscess, but maybe not as bad?

Obsessing am I (Yoda Well that's what I do! I have actually been trying to treat mine naturally. I also worked with Zech some, but one big thing I didn't realize is that broccoli is bad for the thyroid and Zech LOVES it! He was eating it every day! That's one green I am limiting in my diet now. I also talked with the DR about testing mine again. If I don't have it under control soon, I will go on the medicine. It will be a lot easier that way.

On to some Zech moments. We were at the eye doctor yesterday and the dr. was putting different lens in front of Zech's eyes, on eye at a time. Zech kept saying "Arrr" and bringing his fist across the front of his body. He did this several times and was saying something afterwards, I just couldn't figure it out right away (maybe because I though he was mad a cussing the then it dawned on me...He was a pirate!! He kept saying he was a pirate. The Dr and I cracked up!

The best Zech moments today: when we were at the doctors getting his blood results...he hit the doctor. Drew his fist back and slugged her right in the stomach! I was so embarrassed but couldn't help but chuckle to myself ( I use to do that as a child ). Like mother, like son!! Regardless, he was not allowed to play with his Ds today.

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