..which way now?! No, I'm not moving again! Macey, who technically is a Gurley now, is on her way to Virginia Beach! Yep, off to start law school. Wow, seems like only yesterday I was taking her to her first day of Kindergarten and listening to her tell people her name was 'NOT MACEY, it's MATER BUG'! My sweet, sweet Bug! So far away now, but so very close in my heart and soul! To you and my wonderful son in law I pray for wonderful blessings in your lives!
Ok, wiping the tears away now, lets talk about whats going on. Our house in Tennessee still hasn't sold, ugh! Bitter sweet. I am getting more clients every week, yay! Meggie has a job, whoot whoot!! Zech is totally bored not being in school, so much extra energy. He is such a boy! Life is good!
...the story of how blessed a family can be, even through trials and tribulations!!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Thursday, June 9, 2011
We took Grandma to the Drs. yesterday. Zech ended up being there with me because the Dr. was running behind (lol...go figure) and I had a client coming in so Meg dropped Zech off with me and Grandma. Finally, when the Dr was done, Grandma had to get blood drawn so I was going to run to my office and check on Meg. We went to leave and Zech went over to Grandma to help her up and take her walker to her. I said 'Zech, Grandma is staying here, let's go'. He looked up at me, with the widest eyes, and you could tell he was thinking "what do you mean?! No! She's gotta come home!" He did NOT want to leave Grandma. I explained, left, and then came back. He was SOooo excited we were there and Grandma was coming with us!! The nurses were cracking up!! It really made Grandma feel special.
Now, on the subject of Grandma. I don't know how many of you have ever taken care of an elderly person, but it sure can take its toll on you! At first I felt guilty feeling this, but decided it is what it is, Grandma knows she difficult at times. BUT there are so many things my Grandma has done that are hilarious! I thought I probably needed to start putting them in writing so I won't forget someday. I'm going to jot a few things down and do a total post on the things I do remember, then put them down as they continue to happen. Trust me, you will NOT want to miss out on "hearing" some of them..Stay Tuned!!!
Now, on the subject of Grandma. I don't know how many of you have ever taken care of an elderly person, but it sure can take its toll on you! At first I felt guilty feeling this, but decided it is what it is, Grandma knows she difficult at times. BUT there are so many things my Grandma has done that are hilarious! I thought I probably needed to start putting them in writing so I won't forget someday. I'm going to jot a few things down and do a total post on the things I do remember, then put them down as they continue to happen. Trust me, you will NOT want to miss out on "hearing" some of them..Stay Tuned!!!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
On the road again...
Went to Tennessee this past weekend. Quick trip, but productive. Took Zech to the ENT, still no hearing in the right ear, slight hearing loss in the left. We are checking in to a hearing aid for the left ear. We are going ahead a upping the sign language usage, just in case.
Grandma is back home. She's a little sas I think, maybe it was just the long trip, just praying she gets happier.
It's been about 95* here, hot!! Working a lot lately, so glad! I can't stand not working, I know I work a lot at the house, it's just not the same though. I love making people look and feel better.
Well, lets see what today holds.
Grandma is back home. She's a little sas I think, maybe it was just the long trip, just praying she gets happier.
It's been about 95* here, hot!! Working a lot lately, so glad! I can't stand not working, I know I work a lot at the house, it's just not the same though. I love making people look and feel better.
Well, lets see what today holds.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
And the Emmy goes to..........
You guessed it, ZECHARIAH DAWSON! Just returned home from the 1st grade musical, "Is a Camel a Mammal". Too cute! Zech was on the front row and did so good! I was so impressed at how he did the gestures and kept up with everyone. Well, most the time, there was the Panda song where he was about 3 seconds behind everyone else, thus creating his own mini solo stepping out and saying "Panda", yep, that's my son! I can't remember laughing so hard!
Going to see Macey and Brad (and the rest of my family..:))this weekend. Its going to be a long trip in a short amount of time. I'm sure it will be packed full of adventures.
Oh, before I go, the answer is "Yes", a camel is a mammal!
Going to see Macey and Brad (and the rest of my family..:))this weekend. Its going to be a long trip in a short amount of time. I'm sure it will be packed full of adventures.
Oh, before I go, the answer is "Yes", a camel is a mammal!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
The mask
The yogurt mask was wonderful! I might try doing it everyday or at least every other day. My pores looked better and my skin was sooo soft! Too bad I can't take a bath in it!
Three years ago we were in Hong Kong, meeting Zech for the first time. I can't believe its only been three years, he seems like he's been here forever. I guess he has, in my heart! I know I've said it before, but I have to say it again...I truly can't express how much I love him! You know those days when you just feel like staying in the bed, life seems so depressing, you need that hug from somebody that loves you unconditionally. You know, those hugs that make you feel like your soul is actually being hugged too. Well Zech gives those hugs...each and every hug from him is like that. The way he looks at me with those eyes...I think he actually can see my soul too, looking at me with such admiration.
On my birthday he sat in my lap while everyone sang happy birthday, he held my face in his little hands and sang to me and was so proud to be sitting in my lap! It is my prayer and wish that everyone should be able to experience that feeling...at least once in their life!
To soulful hugs!!!
Three years ago we were in Hong Kong, meeting Zech for the first time. I can't believe its only been three years, he seems like he's been here forever. I guess he has, in my heart! I know I've said it before, but I have to say it again...I truly can't express how much I love him! You know those days when you just feel like staying in the bed, life seems so depressing, you need that hug from somebody that loves you unconditionally. You know, those hugs that make you feel like your soul is actually being hugged too. Well Zech gives those hugs...each and every hug from him is like that. The way he looks at me with those eyes...I think he actually can see my soul too, looking at me with such admiration.
On my birthday he sat in my lap while everyone sang happy birthday, he held my face in his little hands and sang to me and was so proud to be sitting in my lap! It is my prayer and wish that everyone should be able to experience that feeling...at least once in their life!
To soulful hugs!!!
Monday, May 30, 2011
I miss my pool!!
First, I did complete everything on my list the other day. I got most done that day, but one or two carried to the next day. So, I MISS MY POOL! Oh, its days like today that I wonder...'what the heck did I do'! I use to LOVE playing in the pool ALL day with Zech!! We were outside today, 90*, and I did not have a clue what we could do on our little part of Plymouth! We played ball for a while, that got boring. I picked dead flowers off my plants...exciting. Then, we came in and took a nap. What the heck!!! I guess I'll bring a little plastic pool for Zech, but what about me?! Ugh! I know God wants me here, but I hate it when my feelings and wants sometimes don't line up with his. Well, I guess they do for the most part, I just wish they would ALL the time!!
Well, about me...SOoooo sick of being in limbo, that is with my fitness! I actually did a sabotage correction the other day, I believe it helped. I felt great anyways. I truly believe to be successful with a healthy lifestyle, you have to be around like minded people. I am on my way, but its so easy to drink Coke and eat junk food, so hard to do the healthy choice!
Has anyone ever heard of Aloette skin care? I'm really loving it so far. I still like doing the things for your skin that you get out of the cupboard though, actually, I think I'll go do a yogurt face mask now. I'll let you know how it goes.
Well, about me...SOoooo sick of being in limbo, that is with my fitness! I actually did a sabotage correction the other day, I believe it helped. I felt great anyways. I truly believe to be successful with a healthy lifestyle, you have to be around like minded people. I am on my way, but its so easy to drink Coke and eat junk food, so hard to do the healthy choice!
Has anyone ever heard of Aloette skin care? I'm really loving it so far. I still like doing the things for your skin that you get out of the cupboard though, actually, I think I'll go do a yogurt face mask now. I'll let you know how it goes.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
To do..to do...
Oh, the things I have "to do". Does anyone really follow and do what is on their "to do" list? I write things down, and still do whatever I feel like doing. I might be more productive if I actually did the things on my list. When should I start? What do I do first? I think if I wait long enough, maybe they'll just fall off my list (or someone will do them for me..lol). Zech was suppose to be in a musical last night, but it was cancelled due to weather, next week. (see that fell off my list yesterday :)).
Ok, seriously, maybe I need to make my list here and everyone can hold me accountable. Here's my list today, let's keep it simple, small steps:
1. Go to bank
2. Go to grocery store
3. Vacuum
4. Change sheets on beds
5. Put clean clothes up
6. Cook Dinner
7. See a client at 5pm - 7pm
Stop!!!That's enough for one day. Whew! Better get started.
Ok, seriously, maybe I need to make my list here and everyone can hold me accountable. Here's my list today, let's keep it simple, small steps:
1. Go to bank
2. Go to grocery store
3. Vacuum
4. Change sheets on beds
5. Put clean clothes up
6. Cook Dinner
7. See a client at 5pm - 7pm
Stop!!!That's enough for one day. Whew! Better get started.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
It's my goal:
It's my goal to be consistant in posting; hopefully sometime soon! So, what has been going on since March? Megan, Macey, and myself have all had birthdays...yep....another year older. I'm good with that though, better than the alternative. I'm choosing to live and love to the fullest, trying to do that each and every day! Life is good! Zech has come so far in the last few months..unbelievable the difference. He strong area is math, but he's progressing well in spelling and reading. Speech is getting better everyday too.
Work is picking up, still trying to get settled with everything. It's slow going, but going. Macey got accepted into Law school...yay! Megan is still helping me out..like crazy!!
Zech is in a musical tonight...lets see if he remembers the words...will let you know. :)!!
Work is picking up, still trying to get settled with everything. It's slow going, but going. Macey got accepted into Law school...yay! Megan is still helping me out..like crazy!!
Zech is in a musical tonight...lets see if he remembers the words...will let you know. :)!!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
They're here!
Yay! Macey and Brad are here! Theya arrived yesterday around 12:30. I can't believe I was so emotional, could have cried all day! So good to see my baby girl and my son-in-law!! It was a perfect time after a very stressful last week. We ate a Five Guys Burgers, and omg, they have wonderful burgers!! Last week I got a new purse, a MICHE purse. They're the ones that have different shells. A few shells are released every month, and some are retired. I also got Macey one for her birthday coming up, which I had to give her as soon as she got here. Her "shell" is called MACIE, and it was issued in March, her birth month. She really liked it!
Zech is doing great in school. We have to work on his "grouchy" voice. He tends to say 'no' quite a bit, and it's a forceful 'no'! I really never thought much about it, it did aggrevate me when he did it, but it was not very often with us, anyways, I've started to calmly tell him to stop doing that. All in all, life is great! Work is starting to pick up some, which is good.
Zech is doing great in school. We have to work on his "grouchy" voice. He tends to say 'no' quite a bit, and it's a forceful 'no'! I really never thought much about it, it did aggrevate me when he did it, but it was not very often with us, anyways, I've started to calmly tell him to stop doing that. All in all, life is great! Work is starting to pick up some, which is good.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Zech's Birthday and School
Friday was Zech's birthday. We went to Chuck E Cheese's. He had so much fun!! There were 9 kids there, plus adults. We were there about 3 1/2 hrs. Zech was SO excited! He just wanted to play, no interest in presents or eating. Once we got home he loved all the gifts he received. Saturday and Sunday we worked around the house, which is seeming like a never ending project, but it is coming along. Yesterday, Zech had his first day of school. He really liked it. The teachers seemed to enjoy him too. Today he doesn't go to school, but back at it tomorrow. I really have to work on him not taking a nap during the day, they don't at school, so he has to get use to going to bed early and no nap. Mom and Nori are coming up tomorrow...yay!! Macey and Brad will be here on the 8th, it will be so good to see everyone. Can't wait!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Seven Years ago.....(25TH)
Seven years ago, an amazing woman gave birth to a beautiful baby boy!! He had the most beautiful eyes, a heart melting smile, and filled with so much love. This little boy also had many, many medical problems. Knowing that medically speaking, he would be better off in another country, she made the most heartbreaking decision for herself...she gave her son up for adoption.
She did not know at the time he would go to a family that would love him so much their hearts melt just looking at him. She didn't know he would bless a new mom in a way that she never imagined possible. She didn't know she would give two sisters a little brother to love and spoil. She didn't know a father would now beam with pride over his son.
MS. W....If you read this...THANK YOU!THANK YOU!
She did not know at the time he would go to a family that would love him so much their hearts melt just looking at him. She didn't know he would bless a new mom in a way that she never imagined possible. She didn't know she would give two sisters a little brother to love and spoil. She didn't know a father would now beam with pride over his son.
MS. W....If you read this...THANK YOU!THANK YOU!
Peaceful morning
On a frustrating note, Tom's truck is on its way to the shop...again..ugh! The upside of that, Tom, Megan, and Zech went together to take it there. What did that mean for me? A PEACEFUL morning...I didn't cook breakfast, didn't get anyone dressed (Megan got Zech dressed for me). I did a little light therapy on myself ( boy it does wonders for the skin, not to mention energy and de-stress!), had some coffee, and watched Criminal Minds (on of my favorite shows).
Now, relaxtion is over. Getting Grandma ready to go to the doctors for a check-up, have to do some reports for someone, finish up our taxes, go to the bank, finish mudding the kitchen (getting it ready to paint), do some school work with Zech, do a biofeedback for a client tonight, go grocery shopping ( will probably send Megan to do that), wishy-washy for Zech, shower Zech and finally, a shower for myself and off to bed. Busy day. I guess I should go and start crossing off things on my list. Until next time.....
Now, relaxtion is over. Getting Grandma ready to go to the doctors for a check-up, have to do some reports for someone, finish up our taxes, go to the bank, finish mudding the kitchen (getting it ready to paint), do some school work with Zech, do a biofeedback for a client tonight, go grocery shopping ( will probably send Megan to do that), wishy-washy for Zech, shower Zech and finally, a shower for myself and off to bed. Busy day. I guess I should go and start crossing off things on my list. Until next time.....
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Fun! Fun! Fun!
Sunday we went bowling, the first time in soooo many years, it was so much fun! My highest score was 105, lol!!My cousin stayed with Zech and Grandma. First time he actually had someone to play in the snow with him, he had a great time! They came over today and played more. I don't think Zech is crazy about the snow being cold, but he loves playing in it anyways. I will eventually figure out how to post multiple pics (I wish I could do it in a slide show form) and start posting more pictures. I've been trying to follow more of a schedule for Zech, mainly bedtime, but the boy just won't sleep unless I lay down too. Don't get me wrong, I love it, I just usually fall asleep too. :).
Still working on Meg's room...and while the kitchen is functioning, I am still not finished with it. In due time...in due time.
Gary (Zech's dog) and I have been walking around the block, yesterday it was two blocks. Not much, but it's a start. As soon as Meg's room is finished, I'll have more room in the basement and WILL start yoga again, I love yoga. Has anyone ever heard of a singing bowl? They sound nice, that is now on my wish list.
Well, calling it a night..
Still working on Meg's room...and while the kitchen is functioning, I am still not finished with it. In due time...in due time.
Gary (Zech's dog) and I have been walking around the block, yesterday it was two blocks. Not much, but it's a start. As soon as Meg's room is finished, I'll have more room in the basement and WILL start yoga again, I love yoga. Has anyone ever heard of a singing bowl? They sound nice, that is now on my wish list.
Well, calling it a night..
Saturday, February 19, 2011
It Went Great!
So, the first day of school for Zech went great! Zech didn't have any issues with me leaving, and I actually was okay leaving him there (okay it was only 2 hrs....but still!) There are a few things I need to get before he starts in a week (they are on break next week), but not much. I feel pretty good about this class...sure hope it is what it seems! Don't you just hate it when you think something is one way, and it ends up not being what it seems?!
So, Megan's room is almost done. Can't wait to start finishing up some things around here. We're going to bowling tomorrow to support cancer research. Should be pretty fun.
So, Megan's room is almost done. Can't wait to start finishing up some things around here. We're going to bowling tomorrow to support cancer research. Should be pretty fun.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Another first day....
Zech is going to school for the first time up here. He's just going for a couple hours, then they're on break next week. They are going to give ME a week to adjust. I can take him in for the first week and stay until he seems okay, then I have to leave (and no peeking in the window to watch him...they must really know me). It seems like its going to be a good school. We registered him at a school that was two blocks away from our house that thought they were not well equipped for Zech, that kinda disappointed me, I felt they didn't even give Zech a chance. First time I cried with the feeling my son was being shunned...heart breaking, but works out the best. The school he's going to seems great and they seem to focus on education quite a bit.
Anyways, I'll post later and let you know how it goes.
Megan's room is almost finished. It will be nice to get some more things settled. I'm still not sure if I've done the right thing...moving and all. I'm not going to make a quick judgement, I need to give it a chance. I miss my family, friends, and my house in TN, but that's about it. I love the area and our location in MI, but yet I fantasized about the fresh air and my front porch yesterday..Ugh~ does it always have to be so complicated?!
Anyways, I'll post later and let you know how it goes.
Megan's room is almost finished. It will be nice to get some more things settled. I'm still not sure if I've done the right thing...moving and all. I'm not going to make a quick judgement, I need to give it a chance. I miss my family, friends, and my house in TN, but that's about it. I love the area and our location in MI, but yet I fantasized about the fresh air and my front porch yesterday..Ugh~ does it always have to be so complicated?!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
As I sit here, drinking coffee and enjoying the few minutes of quiet I get most mornings, I was catching up on other peoples blogs and had quite an awakening realizing my days are actually not that overwhelming. My goodness, some people who adopted a child the same time we were blessed with Zech, have 2 MORE children now. One family has 15 kids, another 7. So what are they doing (or possibly NOT doing) that they can get through each day with so many appointments, feedings,cleaning,games, pictures, blogging, and have so many smiles?!
I have had so many people think that I'm a kind person and that Zech is so blessed to have us, again, WE are the ones blessed and it almost brings me to tears thinking am I wasting time...should we adopt another child, what can I do to help more kids...am I that selfish of a person that I only want Zech, I don't want to share my time with anyone else? I'm getting older, I think I'll eventually want "my" time. I can't even believe I just said that..."my" time, is anyone's time here on earth really suppose to be for ourselves?
Hmmmm....as my father always says.."I'll ponder on that"..
On another note...Zech played hide-and-seek for the first time, that I know of, last night. He had such a good time running around! It tickled me, I kept seeing him run to the bathroom, I thought something was wrong having to "go" so much, then I remembered playing hide-and-seek when I was little. I would hide and ALWAYS have to pee immediately...too funny!
I have had so many people think that I'm a kind person and that Zech is so blessed to have us, again, WE are the ones blessed and it almost brings me to tears thinking am I wasting time...should we adopt another child, what can I do to help more kids...am I that selfish of a person that I only want Zech, I don't want to share my time with anyone else? I'm getting older, I think I'll eventually want "my" time. I can't even believe I just said that..."my" time, is anyone's time here on earth really suppose to be for ourselves?
Hmmmm....as my father always says.."I'll ponder on that"..
On another note...Zech played hide-and-seek for the first time, that I know of, last night. He had such a good time running around! It tickled me, I kept seeing him run to the bathroom, I thought something was wrong having to "go" so much, then I remembered playing hide-and-seek when I was little. I would hide and ALWAYS have to pee immediately...too funny!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Wow how things change!!
So, never would I have imagined that I would be moving back to Michigan after 28 years! Well, that's what has been going on. I miss my family in TN something awful, but I'm loving it here in Michigan. As many of you know, I've tried to promote the support of local businesses, things made in the city and state,etc... Well, where we are living, EVERYONE does just that!! I love it! While I don't get to sit on the front porch and see a majestic view, I do get to walk to the store, for ice cream, to the park, to a restaurant, to the bank, ....you get the picture. Zech loves it here too. We're still living out of boxes, so to speak, but each day we're closer to making a home here.
Hopefully I'll get to post more frequently now, we'll see.
Hopefully I'll get to post more frequently now, we'll see.
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