Saturday, March 24, 2012

Busy, busy, busy!!

I would have used productive, but that was already taken. The last few days I have been cleaning, cleaning, and more cleaning. Doesn't sound fun does it? Well I actually enjoyed it. I love a clean house! I don't mean one that things are picked up, I always have stuff laying around, at least Zech does, I mean walls washed, base boards, light switches, door frames, carpet cleaned. NO DUST!! I hate dust! I also hate carpet! Ugh, it's the nastiest stuff..we breath those particles every day. Most of our downstairs is tile (which Tom hates...says it's too cold..which my response is put socks on!) The upstairs is carpet, 17 yr old carpet, that has had kids in diapers on it, cats, and dogs. GROSS! I understand accidents, they just need to be thoroughly cleaned at the time...NO evidence of ever being there! Well evidently that didn't happen all the time. Now mind you, I did not go upstairs for the last 10-15 years much...that was the girls domain (sorry girls, I guess I'm putting the blame on you). Okay, the point to the story is I found a mixture that TOTALLY gets up ALL stains...even when the stain from furniture gets on the carpet. It's one cup peroxide and two tablespoons of ammonia, and it won't affect the color of the carpet (except get the stain It's amazing!! I think if I had new carpet, I would try an inconspicuous area first. All you do is spray, let set for a few minutes, then blot it up. Some stains I had to do a couple times, others just disappeared. Okay, enough about cleaning. Yesterday I picked my Grandma up and she spent the night. It's so sad that at some point in our lives we will be harder to take care of than a baby. It's something constantly, and clean up after her is a job in itself. I'm not complaining, I hope reach her age, I just want to do it gratefully. Unfortunately my grandmother hates being old and wishes the alternative. If she was a happy person, I think everything would be different. So sad. My cousin (who calls me aunt because she's only 19) is getting married in April. Her shower is this afternoon. That should be fun. then We are going out to dinner with Tom's dad tonight. To the Fog Light....great food!! So it's eat very light today, stuff myself tonight. Zech is going too, hope he gets a nap in today. Speaking of Zech, we go to Nashville Monday. After his testing (on his bladder), we are FINALLY getting him his Ipad. I'm so excited to have him start doing some articulation programs...Hope it helps! The Ipad is ONLY for learning....there will be NO games on it!! He has a DS for games, which helps with reasoning skills. I am also learning about bal-a-vis-x. His teacher in Michigan used it, and I seen such drastic improvement. I'm just doing the basic exercises. I would love to go to a training in it. Until next time....God Bless.

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