Saturday, March 31, 2012


So Bal-a-vis-x....., It is amazing!! Zech has been doing this and using his new iPad for the last week, his improvement is so drastic! His communication, coordination, and receptive language is remarkably better! I'm so impressed! I've only been using two basic exercises and it's wonderful! I believe I will be going to a training in August, can't wait! Tom came home last night. We were going to have a nice dinner at home before he left this morning to go to Michigan. Things don't always work out the way we plan...we ended up with two neighbor boys spending the night. So the night ended up with pizza and three boys running around shooting the nerf guns at anything the darts would stick too! It was fun. This evening I sat on the front porch and was SO thankful for our home, our view, and our family! I was wishing my husband was in the rocker next to me, maybe next weekend. Megan has had a few interviews for a job at a bank, they have went really well! She should know something in a week or two. Macey has been doing trial competitions the last few days and did really well. She doesn't want to be a trial lawyer, but she may be missing her calling there. She will do well with whatever law she decides to specialize in. So, all is well here in the "Creek", my family is well, I feel so blessed!!

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