Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Productive Day!

Well part of this productive day actually carries from yesterday. I fixed the dishwasher leak (replaced the water supply line)! Yay, no more washing by hand. Now, today started out with Zech waking up HAPPY! That always is the cue for a good day! We got ready for school and his IEP meeting. I thought it went rather well. It's really hard to know right now where Zech is since the surgeries. I know he has lost some receptive and expressive language, I'm praying it's just temporary though. They will start testing him towards the end of this week to get a more accurate assessment of his needs. After that, I went to my mom and dads. Mom and I walked to her mail box twice (that's a good distance for those who haven't been to the "Creek"). I came home and started my juicing!! I LOVE carrot juice!! Now that I have more counter space (forgot to mention that in earlier posts, I got new counter tops!!!!), I can leave my juicer out which makes for easier juicing. I will be faithful with this!!(I wrote it, so it is!!!) .......5 HOURS LATER...(that's for all you Spongebob fans....make sure you read it with the accent...) Picked Zech up from school and went to a friends house for grilled hamburgers, grilled mushrooms,onions,sqaush,jalepeno's, and garlic. Also, homemade french fries....YUM!YUM!YUM! OMG, it was so good!!! Zech is now in bed and I am soon to follow! Good Day!!

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