Sunday, March 11, 2012

Yes,....I know!

Okay, I know, it's been a while. It's totally legit thought, let me explain. Well, back it August Zech got feeling bad. He periodically cried, more of a crying moan, for hours on end...even days. I had him to 4 different doctors, and through September, 3 different hospitals. Antibiotics were prescribed with the thought that he had ear infections on and off. Well, the third time at U of M they finally admitted him. We were there over one week and they were ready to send us home thinking it was just him. That it was emotional. Tom had the car packed up and I told the Dr. that I wasn't comfortable going home. This was not how my child acted, it was not emotional! Zech had something physically wrong with him. She said the only thing we haven't done was a head scan, I said "then do one". Well, they did and a couple hours late we found out Zech had a VERY LARGE mass in his head.
I can't even begin to describe my feelings. The only thing I could do as the words were coming out of the Dr.'s mouth was drop to my knees and pray.
Long story short (I can't even type about it without starting to cry) it ended up being a 8.5cm large brain abscess, which is better than a tumor. They ended up doing 2 brain surgeries and a couple months of oral and IV antibiotics and as of February 3rd, the abscess is clear!!! Thank you LORD!!! He is still under doctors care for the next year and four months, but I am have faith that he is completely healed!! Only GOD could have brought him through this alive and with no brain damage that we are aware of. In fact, I believe he can now hear out of his right ear now and his speech is a little clearer...only GOD!!!
I have been hesitant about starting back writing because I actually don't know how many people read this, I thought I would type for hours about our experience with Zech, and I have just flat out been too emotional! I decided that it's good therapy for me though and I love going back and seeing older posts! It's amazing how life changes...this is my way of making a little scrapebooking journal.
Moving on, Megan is in Michigan. She has a wonderful boyfriend and she is still as beautiful(inside and out) as always!
Macey is still living in Virginia with my awesome son in law and going to law school.
Tom is still on the road between Michigan and Tennessee, driving old faithful and doing a spectacular job juggling everything and everyone.
As for me, Zech and I are in Tennessee. I am enjoying being a mother and taking care of the house. I do part time work out of the home still. I am enjoying life!!
Hopefully I'll stay on updating promises though.... :)!

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