Ahhh, YES! Summer is here and so is Macey and Brad!! I'm so excited! They have been here a little over a week and that is why I have not blogged lately. We also had 9 other guests for one night and 2 days. I was actually amazed that everything went so smooth, but it did. Good times!!
I am still working on the organization issue. There has to be a "cure" out there for people like me. If not, I WILL come up with one! One thing I have done is re-purpose some mason jars. I love them. I have put holes in the lids, placed a grommet in the hole, and a straw fits great!
Megan is happy with her new job. SOooo proud of her!
Zech, well, he's.....a LITTLE tornado!! I'm not going to lie, I do get tired, but I LOVE his giggles, smiles, and energy!! I wouldn't have it any other way!
Tom, he is working...working...and oh yeah, working. His truck was broke down for a week, so he's playing catch-up right now. Luckily it was in Mi, so he was with Megan.
As you can tell, not really "feeling" the blogging right now, I probably won't post much this summer. We'll see.
Until next time....
...the story of how blessed a family can be, even through trials and tribulations!!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Four days already?!
I can't believe it's been so long! Things have been crazy here trying to get the interior of our house done. By done I mean some rain damage fixed. We have the new roof (antique brown metal roof now...yay!) There was just some slight dry wall issues and it's taken forever to fix (at least it feels like forever)!
Tom is home now. He got home last night. Today we have spent running around doing errands. Long day.
So, tomorrow is mother's day. I am extremely thankful that I am here with my mother, but also extremely sad that both my girls aren't here with me. I just seen Megan a couple weeks ago, and Macey will be here in a week. So that's good!
I think some friends of ours from west Tennessee are coming Friday, at least for a day. It will good to see them!
We are getting ready to go eat some steak taco's....Sooooo good!! Then, it will be time to hit the hay! Awe....sweet sleep! It will be welcomed tonight!
Tom is home now. He got home last night. Today we have spent running around doing errands. Long day.
So, tomorrow is mother's day. I am extremely thankful that I am here with my mother, but also extremely sad that both my girls aren't here with me. I just seen Megan a couple weeks ago, and Macey will be here in a week. So that's good!
I think some friends of ours from west Tennessee are coming Friday, at least for a day. It will good to see them!
We are getting ready to go eat some steak taco's....Sooooo good!! Then, it will be time to hit the hay! Awe....sweet sleep! It will be welcomed tonight!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
If pages worked the way I wanted them to, I would be posting this under education. They don't, so I'm posting it here.
The iPad....approximately $600. Is it worth it? YES! Zech's speech has really improved lately. Now keep in mind I'm doing a few things and I will continue because it seems to be working. I have been using Articulate it! Plus several other apps on the ipad. I have been doing biofeedback once a week. I do bal-a-vis-x at least twice a week (I wish he would do it daily). I give him 1 tranquil sleep (l-theanine, melatonin and GABA) every night. He also takes a multi, zinc, and a drop of iodine. Sounds like a lot for most, but I can notice a HUGE improvement in receptive language and even expressive. When he is tired he kind of shuts down, doesn't talk much and may seem a little more confused.
I have noticed that more times than not, he doesn't say the ending of a word. Example..."bean" he says "bea", "Kite" he says "Ki". Not all the time.. for Megan, he says "gagen". Now I know he can make the sound for 'M', but he uses 'g' with Megan...don't know what that's about unless maybe that's how he started saying her name and just continues with it? Don't know. I actually recorded him speaking earlier today, and played it back for him. I don't think he liked it at all! He immediately quit trying to make the sounds then. So, I won't do that again. Right now I guess I'm going to work with the ending sounds of 'n' and 'm'. Beginning sound 'f'. We'll see how that progresses.
Anyways, time will tell. If anyone has experience with this, please let me know....Thanks!
The iPad....approximately $600. Is it worth it? YES! Zech's speech has really improved lately. Now keep in mind I'm doing a few things and I will continue because it seems to be working. I have been using Articulate it! Plus several other apps on the ipad. I have been doing biofeedback once a week. I do bal-a-vis-x at least twice a week (I wish he would do it daily). I give him 1 tranquil sleep (l-theanine, melatonin and GABA) every night. He also takes a multi, zinc, and a drop of iodine. Sounds like a lot for most, but I can notice a HUGE improvement in receptive language and even expressive. When he is tired he kind of shuts down, doesn't talk much and may seem a little more confused.
I have noticed that more times than not, he doesn't say the ending of a word. Example..."bean" he says "bea", "Kite" he says "Ki". Not all the time.. for Megan, he says "gagen". Now I know he can make the sound for 'M', but he uses 'g' with Megan...don't know what that's about unless maybe that's how he started saying her name and just continues with it? Don't know. I actually recorded him speaking earlier today, and played it back for him. I don't think he liked it at all! He immediately quit trying to make the sounds then. So, I won't do that again. Right now I guess I'm going to work with the ending sounds of 'n' and 'm'. Beginning sound 'f'. We'll see how that progresses.
Anyways, time will tell. If anyone has experience with this, please let me know....Thanks!
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Yay, it's raining this morning! We SO needed it! The sound isn't as loud as I thought it would be on our new metal roof. I am very thankful it's not leaking into the house now though!
Has anyone noticed that I have tabs on my blog now? I was going to try to organize some thoughts, but with adding pages you can not keep adding posts to them, only on the home page. So, I will probably delete them, sorry for any confusion.
Zech goes back to the DR Monday for a follow up on his urinary procedure. I think all will go well, he seems better. Within the next month he goes back for an MRI to follow up on the (now gone!) abscess. Just to make sure his brain is healing correctly and all is well. I trust the Lord that it is!
Megan starts her new job on May 14th. She's so excited and I'm so proud of her! Congrats again Maggie Mae!
In TWO weeks my baby girl will be here! And yes, her hubby too! I'm so excited! They should be here about two months..YAY!!
The pool is finally up and running! Yesterday was the first day a swam for a while and then just floated around. I'm so sore today! From swimming....I did get a burned too, but it's tan today...no pain from that! Burt's Bee's carrot lotion and Kathy's Healing Lotion always do the trick! Zech got to swim a while yesterday too. Nori picked him up from school early and they both came back and swam.
I want to talk about adopting kids with special needs and how much support people get from their friends and families. I won't do the post today, so be thinking about the topic and let me know you're feelings. Be honest...I would like to here from actual parents that have adopted and I would like to hear from family and friends of people who have adopted special needs. I will keep everything confidential, so be honest! Do you have support? How do you feel now that there is a "special needs" person in the family? How do you feel when your loved one that adopted is tired and needs help? Please send me some feedback via email.
Thanks and God Bless!
Has anyone noticed that I have tabs on my blog now? I was going to try to organize some thoughts, but with adding pages you can not keep adding posts to them, only on the home page. So, I will probably delete them, sorry for any confusion.
Zech goes back to the DR Monday for a follow up on his urinary procedure. I think all will go well, he seems better. Within the next month he goes back for an MRI to follow up on the (now gone!) abscess. Just to make sure his brain is healing correctly and all is well. I trust the Lord that it is!
Megan starts her new job on May 14th. She's so excited and I'm so proud of her! Congrats again Maggie Mae!
In TWO weeks my baby girl will be here! And yes, her hubby too! I'm so excited! They should be here about two months..YAY!!
The pool is finally up and running! Yesterday was the first day a swam for a while and then just floated around. I'm so sore today! From swimming....I did get a burned too, but it's tan today...no pain from that! Burt's Bee's carrot lotion and Kathy's Healing Lotion always do the trick! Zech got to swim a while yesterday too. Nori picked him up from school early and they both came back and swam.
I want to talk about adopting kids with special needs and how much support people get from their friends and families. I won't do the post today, so be thinking about the topic and let me know you're feelings. Be honest...I would like to here from actual parents that have adopted and I would like to hear from family and friends of people who have adopted special needs. I will keep everything confidential, so be honest! Do you have support? How do you feel now that there is a "special needs" person in the family? How do you feel when your loved one that adopted is tired and needs help? Please send me some feedback via email.
Thanks and God Bless!
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
...a few days later
I haven't written anything for a few days now. Megan came into town...YAY!! She's staying until Tuesday, wish it was longer! We've done a few things, mainly just hung out which has been great!
We ate at Foglight in Sparta, it's a great little cajun restaurant in the middle of nowhere. Love it! We had sushi at Maggie's favorite sushi spot in Cookeville. We drank Calfkiller beer (a local brewer who has WONDERFUL flavors!) We bought flip flops. We drove the "loop" home. We sat and held hands. We went to Ma and Pa's. We watched Oprah's Life Class Tour and ELLEN. So, all in all....we had a wonderful time!
Megan left yesterday....yes, I cried! So, this is what I have determined. I cry when I'm happy. I cry when I'm sad. I cry when I'm angry. I really didn't think I cried a lot, but obviously I do.
I feel like I have so much to write about, but I'll save some for the coming days. One thing I wanted to talk about was the Life Class show we seen. To sum it up, we are suppose to have a grateful heart and mind. We are suppose to live in gratitude ALL day, every day! I know, when asked you automatically say 'I am grateful for everything'...'BUT'.....Come on, You know you do! You probably are thinking...well I am grateful! But, do you really LIVE it?! Do you really FEEL it every day?! Do you find the good in the bad, the happy in the sad? Most of us don't.
I will tell you that I am one to ALWAYS talk about speaking and thinking positive. I preach it, write it, SAY positive things out loud (even when no one is around). But guess what, I didn't FEEL it. I didn't automatically go to the positive all the time. I think I did more than average, but not all the time. UNTIL.....until that day.....that day when I thought my life was about over. That day when we thought we would lose Zech. That day when all I could do was go to my knees. The day I really didn't know what to do, what to say, what to ask for. That day that I was TRULY humbled before our Lord. That day I REALLY knew what I was thankful for. My husband, who held me up when I couldn't stand. My daughters who were there to SHOW me what I had always preached. My son!! My son that God gave me when it was the last thing on my mind, having another child. That night when I went to the chapel in the hospital to pray, all I could do was just keep thanking God for Zech. Thanking him for picking me to be his mommy.
With all that being said, I really feel a thankful heart all the time. Now, please know this doesn't mean I don't get sad, or mad. I do, but definitely NOT like I use to. Things that bothered me before, are just not important anymore. So, every day I am going to write down 5 things that I am thankful for. I will do it here, and on facebook. I would really encourage you to do the same...5 things...how hard is that? Come on....it won't take long!
1. My family
2. A new roof
3. Time I got to spend with Megan
4. My pool
5. The smell of honeysuckles
I am also thankful for you. For any and all who read about my family.
We ate at Foglight in Sparta, it's a great little cajun restaurant in the middle of nowhere. Love it! We had sushi at Maggie's favorite sushi spot in Cookeville. We drank Calfkiller beer (a local brewer who has WONDERFUL flavors!) We bought flip flops. We drove the "loop" home. We sat and held hands. We went to Ma and Pa's. We watched Oprah's Life Class Tour and ELLEN. So, all in all....we had a wonderful time!
Megan left yesterday....yes, I cried! So, this is what I have determined. I cry when I'm happy. I cry when I'm sad. I cry when I'm angry. I really didn't think I cried a lot, but obviously I do.
I feel like I have so much to write about, but I'll save some for the coming days. One thing I wanted to talk about was the Life Class show we seen. To sum it up, we are suppose to have a grateful heart and mind. We are suppose to live in gratitude ALL day, every day! I know, when asked you automatically say 'I am grateful for everything'...'BUT'.....Come on, You know you do! You probably are thinking...well I am grateful! But, do you really LIVE it?! Do you really FEEL it every day?! Do you find the good in the bad, the happy in the sad? Most of us don't.
I will tell you that I am one to ALWAYS talk about speaking and thinking positive. I preach it, write it, SAY positive things out loud (even when no one is around). But guess what, I didn't FEEL it. I didn't automatically go to the positive all the time. I think I did more than average, but not all the time. UNTIL.....until that day.....that day when I thought my life was about over. That day when we thought we would lose Zech. That day when all I could do was go to my knees. The day I really didn't know what to do, what to say, what to ask for. That day that I was TRULY humbled before our Lord. That day I REALLY knew what I was thankful for. My husband, who held me up when I couldn't stand. My daughters who were there to SHOW me what I had always preached. My son!! My son that God gave me when it was the last thing on my mind, having another child. That night when I went to the chapel in the hospital to pray, all I could do was just keep thanking God for Zech. Thanking him for picking me to be his mommy.
With all that being said, I really feel a thankful heart all the time. Now, please know this doesn't mean I don't get sad, or mad. I do, but definitely NOT like I use to. Things that bothered me before, are just not important anymore. So, every day I am going to write down 5 things that I am thankful for. I will do it here, and on facebook. I would really encourage you to do the same...5 things...how hard is that? Come on....it won't take long!
1. My family
2. A new roof
3. Time I got to spend with Megan
4. My pool
5. The smell of honeysuckles
I am also thankful for you. For any and all who read about my family.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012
What Next?!........
Oh those words!!! They drove me CRAZY for months! ALWAYS coming out of my Grandmother's mouth, now they are ringing in my head...all the time.. well, too much anyways! So much to be thankful for! What next could be horrible, and was as I explained that to my Grandma after Zech got his brain abscess (yes,...after the brain abscess story again). Now, believing and knowing he is completely healed, yet still so many doctors appointments. Thankfully all blood work came back good with the exception of his thyroid. Though it has been low on several occasions, this didn't come as a shock. So...What Next? Whatever it is it will have some blessing attached and it is up to God what comes next!
So, having a low thyroid myself, I know what toll it can take on the body. Medicine, he will begin in the morning (did that sound a little Yoda-ish too you?)! Interesting enough, the thyroid produces several hormones, t4 and t3 are two of them. Attached to these hormones are iodine's, thus the reasoning behind iodized salt. Well, did you know that iodine will actually kill the strep bacteria (the bacteria that was in Zech's brain), coincidence? Maybe, but I don't think so. Not saying had his thyroid had been treated earlier he wouldn't have got the brain abscess, but maybe not as bad?
Obsessing am I (Yoda again...lol)? Well that's what I do! I have actually been trying to treat mine naturally. I also worked with Zech some, but one big thing I didn't realize is that broccoli is bad for the thyroid and Zech LOVES it! He was eating it every day! That's one green I am limiting in my diet now. I also talked with the DR about testing mine again. If I don't have it under control soon, I will go on the medicine. It will be a lot easier that way.
On to some Zech moments. We were at the eye doctor yesterday and the dr. was putting different lens in front of Zech's eyes, on eye at a time. Zech kept saying "Arrr" and bringing his fist across the front of his body. He did this several times and was saying something afterwards, I just couldn't figure it out right away (maybe because I though he was mad a cussing the dr...lol) then it dawned on me...He was a pirate!! He kept saying he was a pirate. The Dr and I cracked up!
The best Zech moments today: when we were at the doctors getting his blood results...he hit the doctor. Drew his fist back and slugged her right in the stomach! I was so embarrassed but couldn't help but chuckle to myself ( I use to do that as a child ). Like mother, like son!! Regardless, he was not allowed to play with his Ds today.
So, having a low thyroid myself, I know what toll it can take on the body. Medicine, he will begin in the morning (did that sound a little Yoda-ish too you?)! Interesting enough, the thyroid produces several hormones, t4 and t3 are two of them. Attached to these hormones are iodine's, thus the reasoning behind iodized salt. Well, did you know that iodine will actually kill the strep bacteria (the bacteria that was in Zech's brain), coincidence? Maybe, but I don't think so. Not saying had his thyroid had been treated earlier he wouldn't have got the brain abscess, but maybe not as bad?
Obsessing am I (Yoda again...lol)? Well that's what I do! I have actually been trying to treat mine naturally. I also worked with Zech some, but one big thing I didn't realize is that broccoli is bad for the thyroid and Zech LOVES it! He was eating it every day! That's one green I am limiting in my diet now. I also talked with the DR about testing mine again. If I don't have it under control soon, I will go on the medicine. It will be a lot easier that way.
On to some Zech moments. We were at the eye doctor yesterday and the dr. was putting different lens in front of Zech's eyes, on eye at a time. Zech kept saying "Arrr" and bringing his fist across the front of his body. He did this several times and was saying something afterwards, I just couldn't figure it out right away (maybe because I though he was mad a cussing the dr...lol) then it dawned on me...He was a pirate!! He kept saying he was a pirate. The Dr and I cracked up!
The best Zech moments today: when we were at the doctors getting his blood results...he hit the doctor. Drew his fist back and slugged her right in the stomach! I was so embarrassed but couldn't help but chuckle to myself ( I use to do that as a child ). Like mother, like son!! Regardless, he was not allowed to play with his Ds today.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
It's Thursday!
Zech has been home all week. Sinus infection, then ear infection. Tuesday we were back at DR, Wednesday blood work, today we took Garwee to get his hair cut (Zech was not too happy....look at facebook picture) then later we go for an eye exam. Tomorrow results of blood work...busy week! I find it amazing when Zech is home, I get NOTHING done!! I don't know if it's because he keeps me so busy or if I just like my time with him. Regardless, lots of catch up work to do!
They started our roof today (we are getting a metal roof put on). Excited about that, I think it's going to look great!
Grandma is still in hospital (from her fall Friday). She has a little blood on her brain and is a little crazy 'cause of the pain pills, well the pain pills made her craziness a little more exaggerated....lol!! Mom has been up there the last three nights. It sure takes it's toll on her. Hopefully Grandma will go home soon, or at least somewhere that mom can come home and rest more.
So, what else is new, let me think.....nothing, which is not a bad thing! Life calming down?! No way!! Praise the Lord! I could use some quietness for a while. The pool is pretty clear now. I just need to vacuum it and it's ready to go (once the water is about 20 degrees higher!). Think I'll go work on organizing my bedroom. Ugh! They may take a while.
They started our roof today (we are getting a metal roof put on). Excited about that, I think it's going to look great!
Grandma is still in hospital (from her fall Friday). She has a little blood on her brain and is a little crazy 'cause of the pain pills, well the pain pills made her craziness a little more exaggerated....lol!! Mom has been up there the last three nights. It sure takes it's toll on her. Hopefully Grandma will go home soon, or at least somewhere that mom can come home and rest more.
So, what else is new, let me think.....nothing, which is not a bad thing! Life calming down?! No way!! Praise the Lord! I could use some quietness for a while. The pool is pretty clear now. I just need to vacuum it and it's ready to go (once the water is about 20 degrees higher!). Think I'll go work on organizing my bedroom. Ugh! They may take a while.
Monday, April 16, 2012
His Grace is sufficient.....
Quick post here, I was reading a fellow blogger's blog and read the words from 2 Corinthians 12:9, "And He has said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is perfected in weakness.' Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me."
Those words are so powerful to me this morning!! I look back at the days upon days at the hospital with Zech. I was so weak! So helpless. The words ringing in my ears "It's big Rhonda, really big!"..a mass...Oh dear God, a mass?! What can I do? How can I fix this?! To my knees...'Oh dear Jesus...PLEASE!!' I stand up....then back to my knees. I can't even type the thoughts going through my head. Then the humbled realization....I, Rhonda Dawson, can't do a dang thing! This is too big, it's totally in God's hands.
No longer is my work, ALL my crazy little (some big..lol) projects matter. I DO NOT CARE about any of that...I want my SON!! I want my family..I want LIFE with my son!
Through the GRACE of God. I have that now! So many times throughout the stay I heard "I don't know how you do it, I couldn't". I heard "you are so strong". EVERY TIME I heard something like that I wanted to scream "I'm not strong!!! And do it, do what? I am just helplessly by my son's side! It is CHRIST, ONLY CHRIST, that is doing anything! I am only able to make the motions of life because of him!"
I am still weak, I still only want my family. I want to be a good wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, and friend. NOTHING else! And, with that being said, things are Great! The power of Christ is perfected now! The Power of Christ is dwelling in me....Thank you Lord!!!!
Those words are so powerful to me this morning!! I look back at the days upon days at the hospital with Zech. I was so weak! So helpless. The words ringing in my ears "It's big Rhonda, really big!"..a mass...Oh dear God, a mass?! What can I do? How can I fix this?! To my knees...'Oh dear Jesus...PLEASE!!' I stand up....then back to my knees. I can't even type the thoughts going through my head. Then the humbled realization....I, Rhonda Dawson, can't do a dang thing! This is too big, it's totally in God's hands.
No longer is my work, ALL my crazy little (some big..lol) projects matter. I DO NOT CARE about any of that...I want my SON!! I want my family..I want LIFE with my son!
Through the GRACE of God. I have that now! So many times throughout the stay I heard "I don't know how you do it, I couldn't". I heard "you are so strong". EVERY TIME I heard something like that I wanted to scream "I'm not strong!!! And do it, do what? I am just helplessly by my son's side! It is CHRIST, ONLY CHRIST, that is doing anything! I am only able to make the motions of life because of him!"
I am still weak, I still only want my family. I want to be a good wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, and friend. NOTHING else! And, with that being said, things are Great! The power of Christ is perfected now! The Power of Christ is dwelling in me....Thank you Lord!!!!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
...and the verdict is.....
....a sinus infection. Ugh! Zech has not got better in the last couple days. Snotty nose still, fever, and now a slight cough. To the DR we go, and yep, a sinus infection. Ears and throat look fine. Lungs sound good. Antibiotics it is. Not a big promoter of these, but they do have their purpose and today their purpose will be served.
Greek yogurt will be in Zech's diet, I know it should be every day, but he's not a big fan. I try opening capsules and sneaking it in his food, which I will also do. More apples, apple sauce, and whatever other fruits I can get in him. DR said keep him out of school three days. I had always heard not catchy after 24 hrs on a antibiotic, but he said 'No', three or four days. If every parent did that there wouldn't be so many sick kids. I totally agree, so three days it is.
Friday we went and seen my Grandma. She's was doing well, until yesterday. She fell.....AGAIN. Stubborn old thing, she keeps bending over to pick things up off the floor, sometimes there's nothing there, she just thinks there is..lol! Anyways she has a black eye now from where her walker tipped over and the leg hit her in the eye. At 88 yrs old, I don't think she'll learn her lesson.
Saturday. Let's talk about Saturday. Beautiful day. On the agenda was small amount of house work, Tom was to do some outside work, we were to go to a memorial service, then relax and grill out. Now....for what really happened. Rushing around to get ready for the memorial for a dear friends father that passed away. We went, after a stop off when we seen people working on a building to start up a coffee house in our town. I left after talking to him with my blood pressure high, ready to burst after hearing plans that we totally implemented in the same town, for 8 years, with little support from the community. So, I calm down see my friend, my heart breaks for her knowing that someday that will be me in her shoes ( I hope and pray it's many years from now!!) We decide we need a new grill for our cook out later......4 hours later.....we end up with a grill, but not the one we want because of course the one we want is not in stock...UGH!!! To the grocery store now, back home, put the grill together, the lid is not aligned properly due to poor workmanship, do we keep it? A half hour later, yes we'll go ahead a keep it. So by 9pm we are finally eating (wonderful food I might add), no house work done and yes, I left the dishes until today. Not how we planned our day, but tired and bellies full, we go to bed.
Today, beautiful and blessed. My dear husband did his yard work and then left for work. He's exhausted, but accomplished. I know I can go to sleep tonight knowing I will be provided for and then some. Thanks Tom, Love you!
Greek yogurt will be in Zech's diet, I know it should be every day, but he's not a big fan. I try opening capsules and sneaking it in his food, which I will also do. More apples, apple sauce, and whatever other fruits I can get in him. DR said keep him out of school three days. I had always heard not catchy after 24 hrs on a antibiotic, but he said 'No', three or four days. If every parent did that there wouldn't be so many sick kids. I totally agree, so three days it is.
Friday we went and seen my Grandma. She's was doing well, until yesterday. She fell.....AGAIN. Stubborn old thing, she keeps bending over to pick things up off the floor, sometimes there's nothing there, she just thinks there is..lol! Anyways she has a black eye now from where her walker tipped over and the leg hit her in the eye. At 88 yrs old, I don't think she'll learn her lesson.
Saturday. Let's talk about Saturday. Beautiful day. On the agenda was small amount of house work, Tom was to do some outside work, we were to go to a memorial service, then relax and grill out. Now....for what really happened. Rushing around to get ready for the memorial for a dear friends father that passed away. We went, after a stop off when we seen people working on a building to start up a coffee house in our town. I left after talking to him with my blood pressure high, ready to burst after hearing plans that we totally implemented in the same town, for 8 years, with little support from the community. So, I calm down see my friend, my heart breaks for her knowing that someday that will be me in her shoes ( I hope and pray it's many years from now!!) We decide we need a new grill for our cook out later......4 hours later.....we end up with a grill, but not the one we want because of course the one we want is not in stock...UGH!!! To the grocery store now, back home, put the grill together, the lid is not aligned properly due to poor workmanship, do we keep it? A half hour later, yes we'll go ahead a keep it. So by 9pm we are finally eating (wonderful food I might add), no house work done and yes, I left the dishes until today. Not how we planned our day, but tired and bellies full, we go to bed.
Today, beautiful and blessed. My dear husband did his yard work and then left for work. He's exhausted, but accomplished. I know I can go to sleep tonight knowing I will be provided for and then some. Thanks Tom, Love you!
Friday, April 13, 2012
It's Friday.....
.....and I was up all night! Ugh! One of the negatives about public school....your child is around a lot of sick kids! I say negative, but is it one way to build the immune system? I have mixed emotions about it. I wonder how long I will keep using the phrase "since Zech's brain surgery....." I hope I will be able to shrug the fear that lays deep in my heart, mind, and soul. However, in the mean time, since Zech's brain surgery I get so paranoid when he is sick! He acts ok (but he did during the first stages of the brain abscess). Where did it come from...his ears...his teeth....who knows?! I am always checking his ears and teeth, they appear great. Stuffy, snotty nose. Slight fever. Nothing major, I would never have taken the girls to the DR for something like this. What if it's a sinus infection, then goes to the teeth, ears, or ugh....brain?!
Ok, YAWEH, Lord God, I totally surrender my self, and Zech, to you. He is in your hands and I trust you completely and perfectly healed him and you will continue to keep him safe. Thank you for this...AMEN!
Now that I have surrendered that issue, on to a perfect day. The sun is shining so beautifully. Bright enough to warm my bones from the cold air. So very thankful for the things that will be accomplished today, for the memories that will be made.
Ok, YAWEH, Lord God, I totally surrender my self, and Zech, to you. He is in your hands and I trust you completely and perfectly healed him and you will continue to keep him safe. Thank you for this...AMEN!
Now that I have surrendered that issue, on to a perfect day. The sun is shining so beautifully. Bright enough to warm my bones from the cold air. So very thankful for the things that will be accomplished today, for the memories that will be made.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Nice weekend!
What a nice weekend, could have been longer! Tom's cousin came in, from Louisiana, and his wife and daughter. While they were here Tom's dad and step-mom came over too. We had an awesome dinner...grilled veggies and smoked brisket...Yum!! After everyone left, Glen Miller "Moonlight Serenade" came on. Tom and I danced on the front porch and watched the moon (full) come up....too romantic! I loved it! I sure couldn't do that in Michigan.
Easter we went to Mom and Dad's, ate, and had an Easter egg hunt. Well, the kids did. Tucker, my nephew, found the prize egg!! Zech was a little grumpy, had a fever on and off since his surgery Thursday, so he didn't get into it like I would have liked, but he did hunt for a while. He's doing better now, still gets tired quickly though.
So, I've been walking on the treadmill, kinda but perfect about watching what I eat. I seen a picture of myself from Easter and am soooo disgusted! So, I started Jillian Micheals 30 day shred today. I am also logging what I eat. Anyways, I went to pick Zech up from school and could barely walk to his class my thighs are so weak. Funny, but I don't know how I'll do it tomorrow. I might just have to walk on the treadmill, we'll see. Keep your fingers crossed and send positive thoughts my way ( a little strength and endurance would be nice too)!
Easter we went to Mom and Dad's, ate, and had an Easter egg hunt. Well, the kids did. Tucker, my nephew, found the prize egg!! Zech was a little grumpy, had a fever on and off since his surgery Thursday, so he didn't get into it like I would have liked, but he did hunt for a while. He's doing better now, still gets tired quickly though.
So, I've been walking on the treadmill, kinda but perfect about watching what I eat. I seen a picture of myself from Easter and am soooo disgusted! So, I started Jillian Micheals 30 day shred today. I am also logging what I eat. Anyways, I went to pick Zech up from school and could barely walk to his class my thighs are so weak. Funny, but I don't know how I'll do it tomorrow. I might just have to walk on the treadmill, we'll see. Keep your fingers crossed and send positive thoughts my way ( a little strength and endurance would be nice too)!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Happy Birthday to a spectacular Woman!!
Yesterday was my oldest daughters birthday...25 years old!! Unbelievable! Megan, my sweet, sweet Maggie Mae. Megan and I are rarely apart, well we were rarely apart. She is now living in Michigan, this is the first birthday we've not been together. Now, I'm close to all my kids, but Megan and I spent more time together than most. We worked together too, so we were together quite a bit! Anyways, as with Macey, if you are blessed to know Megan I'm sure you know how spectacular she is. If you don't I will tell you about her. Megan is beautiful, outgoing, sure of herself, creative, tender hearted, smart, giving. selfless(ALWAYS thinking of other people and what she can do for them), funny, a great planner and organizer. The list goes on. I can not put into words what my kids mean to me. I am So very blessed!!! Megan, I hope you had the best day ever! LOVE YOU!!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
I've been thinking.....
Okay, before I go into what I've been thinking (I know you all are so curious...lol), I will fill you in about the last few days. Zech has had an interesting week. School for three days, with an Easter party on Wednesday, and then to Vanderbilt today for a scoping surgery to find out why his urine doesn't flow properly. Well, there were no obstructions, no scarring, possibly some narrowing that the scoping could have stretched enough that he won't have any more problems. He goes back in a month for a follow-up. All went well, another successful trip to the hospital. Zech does NOT do well with any medicines that has an impact on his mind. With that being said, he wakes up SO grouchy after having general anesthesia that he can not have the medicine that helps you wake up happier! Telling EVERYONE this, guess what, they gave it to him anyways!! Very frustrating! He's over it know though, thank you Yaweh!!
Megan went to Detroit today. She has been celebrating her Birthday all week (presents every day from herself or her boyfriend..too cute!) Tomorrow is her official birthday. We believe she has a full time job now. She has a meeting with the company in a week, based on what they said over the phone, I think she has the job and the meeting is formalities.
Macey is finishing up her first year of law school. I think she'll be done in a week. I hope year two isn't as stressful.
So, what have I been thinking?! Well, nothing spectacular, or probably nothing that someone else hasn't thought of, but there are so many things that go on with Zech, I wish there was a "place" to go to talk to people. A place to see how other kids with Ds progress, what are their actual days like. How do other kids interact with kids with Ds. I know, there a places to find out basic info., but not details. I'm talking even things that a lot of people might find embarrassing to talk about. Things you might even think but are afraid to say it out loud, you know, maybe it would be politically incorrect (really socially incorrect). What would be the best way to get this going? Well, my thought is just blog about my personal experiences, get into detail about my son, maybe people will start commenting on their experiences. I don't know, just a thought. I'll begin with some things this week (though if I continue, I'll start a different blog for that).
So,I get so confused about Zech's status. Confused, worried, excited, proud, and overwhelmed! All these feelings, at different times of course, but all in the same day!! One minute I'm so impressed by his progress, the next it's like he doesn't understand a thing I'm asking him to do. Is most of it because he has Ds or am I seeing the affects of the brain abscess...I DON"T KNOW!!! I'm in constant worry....'Oh, no...is IT back'???? Then I lay in bed and cry, worried something will happen to him. Well, I'm a Christian, I've given it to Yaweh....then how can I be sad, how can I be worried?! Ugh!! I ask Zech to SAY his ABC's...he starts to sign them...I say ' Use your words'...no response....blank stare.....Does he understand the word 'say', is he saying them in his head, just can't get the words to form.....HELP!!!!! Who do I ask, where do I go? Is there someone who can help?! I have no answers, I feel I have no control (does that make me a control freak?). Well, for today, I will just rest. Rest in the Lord. Know HE is in control (and pray he'll share his thoughts with me soon....lol).
Megan went to Detroit today. She has been celebrating her Birthday all week (presents every day from herself or her boyfriend..too cute!) Tomorrow is her official birthday. We believe she has a full time job now. She has a meeting with the company in a week, based on what they said over the phone, I think she has the job and the meeting is formalities.
Macey is finishing up her first year of law school. I think she'll be done in a week. I hope year two isn't as stressful.
So, what have I been thinking?! Well, nothing spectacular, or probably nothing that someone else hasn't thought of, but there are so many things that go on with Zech, I wish there was a "place" to go to talk to people. A place to see how other kids with Ds progress, what are their actual days like. How do other kids interact with kids with Ds. I know, there a places to find out basic info., but not details. I'm talking even things that a lot of people might find embarrassing to talk about. Things you might even think but are afraid to say it out loud, you know, maybe it would be politically incorrect (really socially incorrect). What would be the best way to get this going? Well, my thought is just blog about my personal experiences, get into detail about my son, maybe people will start commenting on their experiences. I don't know, just a thought. I'll begin with some things this week (though if I continue, I'll start a different blog for that).
So,I get so confused about Zech's status. Confused, worried, excited, proud, and overwhelmed! All these feelings, at different times of course, but all in the same day!! One minute I'm so impressed by his progress, the next it's like he doesn't understand a thing I'm asking him to do. Is most of it because he has Ds or am I seeing the affects of the brain abscess...I DON"T KNOW!!! I'm in constant worry....'Oh, no...is IT back'???? Then I lay in bed and cry, worried something will happen to him. Well, I'm a Christian, I've given it to Yaweh....then how can I be sad, how can I be worried?! Ugh!! I ask Zech to SAY his ABC's...he starts to sign them...I say ' Use your words'...no response....blank stare.....Does he understand the word 'say', is he saying them in his head, just can't get the words to form.....HELP!!!!! Who do I ask, where do I go? Is there someone who can help?! I have no answers, I feel I have no control (does that make me a control freak?). Well, for today, I will just rest. Rest in the Lord. Know HE is in control (and pray he'll share his thoughts with me soon....lol).
Saturday, March 31, 2012
So Bal-a-vis-x....., It is amazing!! Zech has been doing this and using his new iPad for the last week, his improvement is so drastic! His communication, coordination, and receptive language is remarkably better! I'm so impressed! I've only been using two basic exercises and it's wonderful! I believe I will be going to a training in August, can't wait!
Tom came home last night. We were going to have a nice dinner at home before he left this morning to go to Michigan. Things don't always work out the way we plan...we ended up with two neighbor boys spending the night. So the night ended up with pizza and three boys running around shooting the nerf guns at anything the darts would stick too! It was fun.
This evening I sat on the front porch and was SO thankful for our home, our view, and our family! I was wishing my husband was in the rocker next to me, maybe next weekend.
Megan has had a few interviews for a job at a bank, they have went really well! She should know something in a week or two.
Macey has been doing trial competitions the last few days and did really well. She doesn't want to be a trial lawyer, but she may be missing her calling there. She will do well with whatever law she decides to specialize in.
So, all is well here in the "Creek", my family is well, I feel so blessed!!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
What have I been doing?!
Well, what a BIG surprise I had Saturday morning! Megan made a surprise visit to Tennessee!!! I was so excited and happy, I cried and yes, cried some more! We had a wonderful weekend visiting, eating, and enjoying friends and family!
On Monday, I had to take Zech to Vanderbilt for some urology testing. His bladder appears fine, but there is something going on that is obstructing his urine flow. On April 5th he will have a surgical procedure to find out what's going on. If it is an obstruction, they will fix it.
Tomorrow he goes for an echo and ekg, then a physical for the surgery. My heart breaks for him...I hate that he has to go through so much, that he HAS went through so much. Hopefully this is the last of his issues, his urology issue will be corrected and NO MORE doctors for a while!!! Please keep him in your prayers!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Busy, busy, busy!!
I would have used productive, but that was already taken. The last few days I have been cleaning, cleaning, and more cleaning. Doesn't sound fun does it? Well I actually enjoyed it. I love a clean house! I don't mean one that things are picked up, I always have stuff laying around, at least Zech does, I mean walls washed, base boards, light switches, door frames, carpet cleaned. NO DUST!! I hate dust! I also hate carpet! Ugh, it's the nastiest stuff..we breath those particles every day. Most of our downstairs is tile (which Tom hates...says it's too cold..which my response is put socks on!) The upstairs is carpet, 17 yr old carpet, that has had kids in diapers on it, cats, and dogs. GROSS! I understand accidents, they just need to be thoroughly cleaned at the time...NO evidence of ever being there! Well evidently that didn't happen all the time. Now mind you, I did not go upstairs for the last 10-15 years much...that was the girls domain (sorry girls, I guess I'm putting the blame on you). Okay, the point to the story is I found a mixture that TOTALLY gets up ALL stains...even when the stain from furniture gets on the carpet. It's one cup peroxide and two tablespoons of ammonia, and it won't affect the color of the carpet (except get the stain out...lol). It's amazing!! I think if I had new carpet, I would try an inconspicuous area first. All you do is spray, let set for a few minutes, then blot it up. Some stains I had to do a couple times, others just disappeared.
Okay, enough about cleaning. Yesterday I picked my Grandma up and she spent the night. It's so sad that at some point in our lives we will be harder to take care of than a baby. It's something constantly, and clean up after her is a job in itself. I'm not complaining, I hope reach her age, I just want to do it gratefully. Unfortunately my grandmother hates being old and wishes the alternative. If she was a happy person, I think everything would be different. So sad.
My cousin (who calls me aunt because she's only 19) is getting married in April. Her shower is this afternoon. That should be fun. then We are going out to dinner with Tom's dad tonight. To the Fog Light....great food!! So it's eat very light today, stuff myself tonight. Zech is going too, hope he gets a nap in today. Speaking of Zech, we go to Nashville Monday. After his testing (on his bladder), we are FINALLY getting him his Ipad. I'm so excited to have him start doing some articulation programs...Hope it helps! The Ipad is ONLY for learning....there will be NO games on it!! He has a DS for games, which helps with reasoning skills. I am also learning about bal-a-vis-x. His teacher in Michigan used it, and I seen such drastic improvement. I'm just doing the basic exercises. I would love to go to a training in it.
Until next time....God Bless.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Productive Day!
Well part of this productive day actually carries from yesterday. I fixed the dishwasher leak (replaced the water supply line)! Yay, no more washing by hand.
Now, today started out with Zech waking up HAPPY! That always is the cue for a good day! We got ready for school and his IEP meeting. I thought it went rather well. It's really hard to know right now where Zech is since the surgeries. I know he has lost some receptive and expressive language, I'm praying it's just temporary though. They will start testing him towards the end of this week to get a more accurate assessment of his needs.
After that, I went to my mom and dads. Mom and I walked to her mail box twice (that's a good distance for those who haven't been to the "Creek"). I came home and started my juicing!! I LOVE carrot juice!! Now that I have more counter space (forgot to mention that in earlier posts, I got new counter tops!!!!), I can leave my juicer out which makes for easier juicing. I will be faithful with this!!(I wrote it, so it is!!!)
.......5 HOURS LATER...(that's for all you Spongebob fans....make sure you read it with the accent...)
Picked Zech up from school and went to a friends house for grilled hamburgers, grilled mushrooms,onions,sqaush,jalepeno's, and garlic. Also, homemade french fries....YUM!YUM!YUM! OMG, it was so good!!! Zech is now in bed and I am soon to follow!
Good Day!!
Monday, March 19, 2012
Happy Birthday Macey!!!!
Well, now it's official!!! My youngest daughter is now 23yrs old!!! How crazy. I so remember her entry into this crazy world! Such a special person! If you are one of the many that have been lucky enough to have her in your life, I know you must feel blessed!!For those that really don't know her, let me list a few words that describe her:
Beautiful, funny, heart melting smile, smart, a light that draws you to her, a kind heart, a tender heart, loving, just plain spectacular!! That's my Bug, my Mater Bug...always has been, always will be! I Love you!
Macey is married and living in Virginia. She is attending law school there. She will be spending the summer at home, and I am so excited!!
How do Doctors treat your child with down syndrome?
....Or any special needs? I thought the medical profession would be the last place I saw any kind of discrimination, but it's really the place I've seen the most! It's almost like they are afraid of Zech or something. They are always looking at me like I should know the answer to whatever is wrong at the time. Heck, I wouldn't be at a Doctor's if I knew what to do.
Only by the grace of God is Zech still with us because of this discrimination. They kept thinking it was emotional when he was crying (moaning) 24hrs/day, LITERALLY, this went on a month!!!! The poor kid had an 8.5cm Brain abscess, he was hurting (which I had told them it was NOT emotional)! This wasn't just one doctor, is was at least 10-15 different drs., most at a children's hospital!!
Anyways, we went to his ear doctor today. Things checked out well as far as no infections and no fluid. The Doctor though is always so rude with Zech! Like he's disgusted to even have to work with him. Unless I drive an hour and a half away, this is what I have to put up with...Ugh!
He told me, about a year ago, "you do know he's cognitively delayed"...sarcastically.
Oh my. Anyways, it's the last visit with him for 6 months!'
So, Zech NEEDS an IPAD!!Hopefully in a couple weeks! He needs it to help with speech and writing (fine motor)skills. I can't wait to start working with him.
Only by the grace of God is Zech still with us because of this discrimination. They kept thinking it was emotional when he was crying (moaning) 24hrs/day, LITERALLY, this went on a month!!!! The poor kid had an 8.5cm Brain abscess, he was hurting (which I had told them it was NOT emotional)! This wasn't just one doctor, is was at least 10-15 different drs., most at a children's hospital!!
Anyways, we went to his ear doctor today. Things checked out well as far as no infections and no fluid. The Doctor though is always so rude with Zech! Like he's disgusted to even have to work with him. Unless I drive an hour and a half away, this is what I have to put up with...Ugh!
He told me, about a year ago, "you do know he's cognitively delayed"...sarcastically.
Oh my. Anyways, it's the last visit with him for 6 months!'
So, Zech NEEDS an IPAD!!Hopefully in a couple weeks! He needs it to help with speech and writing (fine motor)skills. I can't wait to start working with him.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
What about me!!!!!!
Does anyone ever feel that way? Frankly, I have for the last few months. Maybe it's because of all the stress from Z being sick and moving back a forth from MI to TN. I don't know. Anyways it seems that mainly my immediate family are the only people that read this blog, should I start a "secret blog", one that I can tell all my dreams in without getting eye rolls and laughed at? Would my secret blog get more followers? Is having more followers even a big deal?! What would I talk about in this so called secret blog?!
Awe, knowing me it wouldn't be a secret too long. If I do anything, I have to tell the fam.
Maybe that's my problem...I need to get out more!
Z has several appts. coming up. Just check ups, routine stuff. There is a DS momma group meeting in a couple weeks, I'll probably go there.
Ok, ok....anyone who knows me knows I need a project, a cause, something to be passionate about.
I am passionate about several things, but in what direction do I take it?
Ugh! I know, give it to God...he'll direct me correctly.
It's about time to go get Z from school, guess I'll head on out.
My rambling was good today....thanks!
Awe, knowing me it wouldn't be a secret too long. If I do anything, I have to tell the fam.
Maybe that's my problem...I need to get out more!
Z has several appts. coming up. Just check ups, routine stuff. There is a DS momma group meeting in a couple weeks, I'll probably go there.
Ok, ok....anyone who knows me knows I need a project, a cause, something to be passionate about.
I am passionate about several things, but in what direction do I take it?
Ugh! I know, give it to God...he'll direct me correctly.
It's about time to go get Z from school, guess I'll head on out.
My rambling was good today....thanks!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Using your words!!
I have said "use your words" so much in the last couple weeks and it finally paid off!!
Today when I pick Zech up from school, I asked him what he had for lunch and he said "Pizza"....it gets better....at home he was asking me for water by saying water, putting a "W" to his mouth (sign language for water) pointing at me, then pointing at the kitchen. I said "NO, Use your words and tell me what you want"!
He looked at me and said "I want water"!!!Plain as day!!! I was so excited and so very proud of him! He is doing so good. Later he said to me "toy story" smiled at me and said "use my words"....he cracks me up!
Well, today was gorgeous!!Yesterday was too, I love the spring....such an example of renewing and growth. We should all learn from that, well at least I should. Everything has a season. A chance to grow stronger and prettier, Love it!
Today when I pick Zech up from school, I asked him what he had for lunch and he said "Pizza"....it gets better....at home he was asking me for water by saying water, putting a "W" to his mouth (sign language for water) pointing at me, then pointing at the kitchen. I said "NO, Use your words and tell me what you want"!
He looked at me and said "I want water"!!!Plain as day!!! I was so excited and so very proud of him! He is doing so good. Later he said to me "toy story" smiled at me and said "use my words"....he cracks me up!
Well, today was gorgeous!!Yesterday was too, I love the spring....such an example of renewing and growth. We should all learn from that, well at least I should. Everything has a season. A chance to grow stronger and prettier, Love it!
Monday, March 12, 2012
Spring Break
Yay, Zech doesn't have to go to school today or tomorrow!!! Love our lazy days! I just don't like leaving home once I'm here, not like we lay around doing nothing. Tom and I joke a lot that we are becoming like my dad, he never doesn't like to leave our little community once he gets home! When I say community, I don't mean a little small town , we have to drive 6 miles to get there...lol, I mean a place that has a few houses around, nothing more. We love it out here! On occasion it can get noisy our here. It's usually only when people bring 4 wheelers out and start riding them.
Zech enjoyed running around outside yesterday. He has a little cold right now, ugh! That makes me so paranoid with anything going on in the head area, I'm trying to remain calm. He has no fever so that's good. He sees his ENT next week, on Macey's birthday. Hope that holds good news! On the 26th he sees the urologist again and then the dentist on the morning of the 27th. The only thing I need to have done after that is the cardiologist and eye doctor. Just for yearly follow ups, no problems going on that we are aware of, thank the Lord!!
We will be getting Zech an Ipad withing the next couple weeks. If anyone knows of some good apps to get, please let me know. I am looking for speech and learning apps. I have heard the Smarty Ears has some good apps. Does anyone have experience using them?
Until next time!
Zech enjoyed running around outside yesterday. He has a little cold right now, ugh! That makes me so paranoid with anything going on in the head area, I'm trying to remain calm. He has no fever so that's good. He sees his ENT next week, on Macey's birthday. Hope that holds good news! On the 26th he sees the urologist again and then the dentist on the morning of the 27th. The only thing I need to have done after that is the cardiologist and eye doctor. Just for yearly follow ups, no problems going on that we are aware of, thank the Lord!!
We will be getting Zech an Ipad withing the next couple weeks. If anyone knows of some good apps to get, please let me know. I am looking for speech and learning apps. I have heard the Smarty Ears has some good apps. Does anyone have experience using them?
Until next time!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Yes,....I know!
Okay, I know, it's been a while. It's totally legit thought, let me explain. Well, back it August Zech got feeling bad. He periodically cried, more of a crying moan, for hours on end...even days. I had him to 4 different doctors, and through September, 3 different hospitals. Antibiotics were prescribed with the thought that he had ear infections on and off. Well, the third time at U of M they finally admitted him. We were there over one week and they were ready to send us home thinking it was just him. That it was emotional. Tom had the car packed up and I told the Dr. that I wasn't comfortable going home. This was not how my child acted, it was not emotional! Zech had something physically wrong with him. She said the only thing we haven't done was a head scan, I said "then do one". Well, they did and a couple hours late we found out Zech had a VERY LARGE mass in his head.
I can't even begin to describe my feelings. The only thing I could do as the words were coming out of the Dr.'s mouth was drop to my knees and pray.
Long story short (I can't even type about it without starting to cry) it ended up being a 8.5cm large brain abscess, which is better than a tumor. They ended up doing 2 brain surgeries and a couple months of oral and IV antibiotics and as of February 3rd, the abscess is clear!!! Thank you LORD!!! He is still under doctors care for the next year and four months, but I am have faith that he is completely healed!! Only GOD could have brought him through this alive and with no brain damage that we are aware of. In fact, I believe he can now hear out of his right ear now and his speech is a little clearer...only GOD!!!
I have been hesitant about starting back writing because I actually don't know how many people read this, I thought I would type for hours about our experience with Zech, and I have just flat out been too emotional! I decided that it's good therapy for me though and I love going back and seeing older posts! It's amazing how life changes...this is my way of making a little scrapebooking journal.
Moving on, Megan is in Michigan. She has a wonderful boyfriend and she is still as beautiful(inside and out) as always!
Macey is still living in Virginia with my awesome son in law and going to law school.
Tom is still on the road between Michigan and Tennessee, driving old faithful and doing a spectacular job juggling everything and everyone.
As for me, Zech and I are in Tennessee. I am enjoying being a mother and taking care of the house. I do part time work out of the home still. I am enjoying life!!
Hopefully I'll stay on updating this....no promises though.... :)!
I can't even begin to describe my feelings. The only thing I could do as the words were coming out of the Dr.'s mouth was drop to my knees and pray.
Long story short (I can't even type about it without starting to cry) it ended up being a 8.5cm large brain abscess, which is better than a tumor. They ended up doing 2 brain surgeries and a couple months of oral and IV antibiotics and as of February 3rd, the abscess is clear!!! Thank you LORD!!! He is still under doctors care for the next year and four months, but I am have faith that he is completely healed!! Only GOD could have brought him through this alive and with no brain damage that we are aware of. In fact, I believe he can now hear out of his right ear now and his speech is a little clearer...only GOD!!!
I have been hesitant about starting back writing because I actually don't know how many people read this, I thought I would type for hours about our experience with Zech, and I have just flat out been too emotional! I decided that it's good therapy for me though and I love going back and seeing older posts! It's amazing how life changes...this is my way of making a little scrapebooking journal.
Moving on, Megan is in Michigan. She has a wonderful boyfriend and she is still as beautiful(inside and out) as always!
Macey is still living in Virginia with my awesome son in law and going to law school.
Tom is still on the road between Michigan and Tennessee, driving old faithful and doing a spectacular job juggling everything and everyone.
As for me, Zech and I are in Tennessee. I am enjoying being a mother and taking care of the house. I do part time work out of the home still. I am enjoying life!!
Hopefully I'll stay on updating this....no promises though.... :)!
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